Oasis Aoyama

Oasis Aoyama
Aoyama, Morioka, Iwate

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Chrisween Party

Thank you very much for coming to the Chrisween party!
Games, making craft and lunch!
We had  so much fun together.

Making craft time.
Good job everyone!
Dale and Mizuki were a big help!
Everyone made a big effort to make the craft!

Lunch time!
We ate Dale's handmade Lasagna,
Blueberry cream cheese pie and carrot cake!
Every dish was so yummy!
All kids ate a second helping. Even the small kids!

This is what we made!
We drove a lot of nails into the shape of a Christmas tree on a board and then stretched yarn around the nails. Finally we decorated.


Everyone had the same shape. But they could choose different yarn colors and decorations that they liked. So finally each Chrismas tree had it's own personality. Very good!

Have a good winter vacation! 
                                                                 See you at next year's Chrisween party!